
PuffPals: Island Skies

Created by Fluffnest


Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 12:48:22 AM

Hey Everybody! Our dev blog this week comes with an exciting announcement!


We’ll be sending more info about how to get access closer to the launch to everyone whose tier includes the “Discord Access” reward!

✨ New Exclusives! ✨

A lot of what we’ve been doing is stuff that is hard to share visually with you all, so to make up for it, we’ll be releasing a new set of exclusives that will go to ALL backers FREE! If you haven’t backed, the new set of exclusives will also be available in the next few days by pre-ordering the bundles on our site!

The new exclusives will be revealed over the course of the next few days! So stay tuned!  👀Helpful pal tier and above will get 2x of each exclusive! Information about how to redeem exclusives will be sent out as we get closer to early access!

We couldn’t be more excited to get to talk more with all of you and we hope you enjoy the cute halloween events that we’re planning for you all!

Love and Fluff,

Fluffnest team


For those of you who haven’t answered your Backerkit surveys, please do so ASAP!

YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY OF YOUR REWARDS UNLESS YOU HAVE FILLED OUT YOUR SURVEY!!! If you’re having trouble accessing your survey, please contact us via Kickstarter DMs!!

We’ll be locking orders on the last day of each month and charging cards on the first of each month to make sure that all backers orders are in the system! This is for backers that have not filled out and locked in their orders.

Your card will not be charged again if your survey status is locked and already charged!

FLUFFNEST ANNIVERSARY ☁️✨ + October is Here! 🎃 [BLOG POST #3]
about 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 01:41:17 AM

Hello Everyone! 😊✨

October is coming and that means we at Fluffnest are celebrating our 2nd Anniversary! 🥳🎉🌟 We can’t believe how fast it’s gone by! We couldn’t have gotten this far without you, so thank you for making Fluffnest a reality! We’ve gone from a simple drawing of Winston to creating a game where Winston can become your best friend! Our team has grown together along with our community and we couldn’t be happier to share this moment with you! 💖😭 There’s more anniversary celebrations to come so be sure to check out our socials! ☁️✨

While looking through some of the archived art for the game, Lily came across this illustration she made for what the look and feel of one of the Player houses could be like! It’s amazing to see how far we have come in this process, with not only the style but also the scope of the worlds we are imagining being brought to life! We look forward to showing you guys even more assets in the future, please stay tuned! 🤩💖

Lily wants to share a quick message and after we have a very brief update!

Hey all, I can't believe it's been two years since I first launched the PuffPals Kickstarter! So much happened so fast during this time and this year is simply phenomenal. Thank you all so much for being part of Fluffnest's and my journey. ✨💕😊

I remember when I first decided to start my own thing and drop out of school, I was terrified to bet everything on myself when I didn't even believe in my own abilities to survive with just my art. It was daunting and scary and it came with so so many doubts, sleepless nights and unpredictable challenges but... I'm so happy I made these decisions because it led me to such wonderful projects and people. Sometimes dreams really do come alive. 💖

Anyways, I just wanted to reflect and thank all of you again for supporting Fluffnest. We're doing a lot of exciting things and we can't wait to show you the world of Island Skies next year! 🌟☁️🌟

Speaking of Island Skies…

Things have been moving very well! We’re getting into a great flow and will soon start releasing new updates for the spooky season! 😈✨

As October looms near, it’s time to pull out your pumpkins, because Halloween is right around the corner! 🎃🌟 There’s nothing like grabbing a bowl of candy, getting a blanket, and popping in a scary (or not that scary) movie to watch with your friends and family! It’s one of our favorite times of year and we’re really eager for you guys to see what we’ve been brewing! 🔮🕯🕸

We’ve also been hard at work on new plushies! Some exciting (and some limited edition!) Pals are coming to our store soon, so look out for new friends! 👀✨

We hope you’re all enjoying the start of Fall, cuddled up with your favorite Pals! See you all in October! 🌕🕸👻

Interview with Jenn! [BLOG POST #2]
about 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 05:18:12 AM

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back to our dev blog! Cozy season is just around the corner, so we thought we’d grab a warm blanket and do a Q&A with our Director Jenn!

A few quick reminders:

  • Kickstarter physical exclusives are still on schedule, we’ll try to get them to you as soon as possible!
  • Alpha Discord is being worked on and we can’t wait to chat with you about the game!
  • Pre-Orders are still open, don’t miss out on owning a copy of Island Skies!

So without further ado, let’s hand it off to Jenn!

Hey y’all!! Jenn here to answer some of your questions about development and our game!

First I’ll say what a blast it’s been working on this project. We thought Kickstarter was the peak of fun but in my opinion, this part of the process is just so exciting and seeing our ideas really come to life as we continue working is unbelievably rewarding.

But enough of that sappy stuff, let's answer some questions!!

Q: How are you feeling about the release schedule?

A: We’re so eager to get you into Alpha you have no idea. But these things take time and we want to make sure it’s as awesome as it can be for when you first see it! Good news is we’re right on track to hit our deadline for Alpha next year, so we won’t have to wait too long!

Q: What's the process been like setting up the alpha discord?

A: Our team has been working with some really experienced people on making our discord, and it has been SUPER interesting to see the depth of some of the planning and tools that go into making a safe, constructive community. We’re hoping to get you all in there sometime in the coming months before the end of the year!

Q: How are you balancing performance across all the platforms/hardware you are trying to release on?

A: It’s important to us that this game is accessible as possible, that means optimizing for older mobile devices, lower spec PCs and Macs, and of course the Switch! As of now, we’re cautiously optimistic that we’ll be able to preserve the mood really well on lower spec devices. Which is exciting, because I personally cannot wait to play it on my phone!!

Q: Will there be Frogs?

A: I know this is a burning question and we’ve been hesitant to answer but… ABSOLUTELY, I’m happy to announce there will be Frogs.

Q: As director, what are you most excited about for the game?

A: I’m probably most excited for all of you to see it! Working on stuff behind the scenes is awesome but the best part is being able to share it with others.

Q: What would you say is the most challenging part of game development?

A: Putting all the pieces together on a project and making sure they work. It sounds vague but it’s truly the hardest part of any project, and game dev is no different. But it’s so satisfying to see it all come together!

Q: What are some sources of inspiration you had for the game?

A: When Lily and I first discussed the project way back when, one of the biggest inspirations for her was her own childhood, and it got me thinking about mine as well. The time we spent growing up, playing outside, meeting new friends, and exploring our neighborhoods really had an impact on us. We wanted to channel that same feeling into a game!

Q: How are the PuffPals going to function in the game?
A: Even as plushies, each and every PuffPal has a personality and backstory, and we wanted to bring that same element into our game. It made the most sense to us to have the Pals be your friends and neighbors; letting them be independent with lots of chances to talk to them and do all sorts of quests for them!

Q: Who is your favorite PuffPal?

A: It’s so hard to choose! I love all of them but if I had to pick, I’d probably say Bobo, Pickles, and a secret one that hasn’t come out yet ;)

Q: How are you all doing?

A: I’m happy to report that the team is doing well! We’re excited for you to get your eyeballs on some of the work we’ve been making, but we are trying our best to be patient, as we know you shouldn’t pull a cake out before it’s done!! You’ve got lots of cool stuff to look forward to in our future updates and I cannot wait!

Thanks so much for all your questions! It’s always awesome to talk with all of you, and I’m excited to hopefully do some more AMAs in the future! We’re working with some incredible people and as a director I couldn’t be more proud of the work we’re creating on Island Skies. I know this success wouldn’t have been possible without all of you, so again, thank you!

New Website + Updates!
about 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 03, 2022 at 03:00:57 AM

Hey Everyone 🤩✨

Hope you are all doing well! We have a quick update on our progress BUT before we do that we have an announcement!

New Site!

WE HAVE A NEW SITE! We’ll be posting the same updates we post here, but maybe a bit more accessible for our audience who hasn’t backed the kickstarter. The site also has pre-orders available for everyone to purchase! 🥳🎉 That means if you or your friends missed out on our Kickstarter, or if y’all want more copies, now’s your chance! ☁️🌟 

Click HERE to go to our website!

Development Updates!

The team has been working hard on next steps in production! Good news is, we’re right on schedule!  ✨ We are continuing to build out and refine our development roadmap, and we’re excited to say it’s going amazingly 💪😎 We should be able to lay out a more detailed timeline in a couple of months, so keep your eyes peeled!

We’ve been bringing in new talent, and they have been incredible to work with! 🌟 They’ve provided us the ability to fine tune our on-boarding process, allowing new members to hit the ground running and start working on the game. Expanding the Fluffnest crew has been such a pleasure, we’re all eager to deliver the best of the best work into the game! 🤩💖

We’re sorry updates have been a bit sparse! 😭 All of our energy the last few months has been going into making the game the best it can be, and we’re going to update more frequently from here on out!❣️😤

We’re more confident than ever in our team and our process, and are excited to share more visuals with you soon! 💕

Our Next Steps!

We will aim to post Dev Blogs every two weeks here and on our website! There won’t be as much to share at first, but we’ll aim to share more and more as time goes on! 💪✨

Dev streams will also begin later this year, starting with our exclusive streams for backers! We cannot wait to connect with you all and share some hopefully insightful and informative content to our community! 🌼😊

Our work is constantly evolving and developing, and with our dev blogs we hope to showcase our unbridled joy and enthusiasm for the future of this game 🥹 We cannot wait to show you all of the hard work of our expanded team! We are also excited to be opening up our pre-orders for everyone, as we believe everyone should have a chance to own Island Skies and experience it! 😊💕

With that, cheers to the many exciting updates in the future! 🥳🎉 A big, big thank you to all, words aren’t enough to express just how much we value and appreciate your support! We hope to translate our appreciation into the work we do for this game, our love to you all 💖😊✨


Fluffnest Team

Update!! 07/25/22 🌟
about 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 03:30:17 PM

Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well and staying hydrated! We are here to bring you updates! Before we begin, here are some Backerkit survey reminders! So hold on to your hats!

There are still many of you that have NOT filled out the survey. Please fill them out in a timely manner so we can fulfill your rewards when the time comes! If you need us to change your email address on file to receive the Backerkit survey, please message us on Kickstarter to do so!!

Since people are in different “stages” of the survey collection process, we will be locking in orders at the end of the month and charging cards on the 1st of the month starting now for those that have not moved on to the next steps. We want to make sure that we are locking orders and counting as frequently as possible to move backers through the Backerkit process, so please submit your surveys for us to lock it!


Address Change

We have not locked in addresses yet and you may edit your address until December. If you need any address changes after December, please DM us on Kickstarter and we will see what we can do.

Merch Updates!

We are starting production on all the Kickstarter plushies and the sticker packs in August! We are still on track to ship physical rewards early 2023 with the exception of the art book which will be ready to ship after the final game release.

Game Updates!

So far, we’re right on schedule! Last update we said we’d spend 1-2 months re-assessing the project scope and making sure we’ll be using our resources as efficiently as possible, and then another 2-4 months after that revising the details of our plans to match the updated scope.

In the next 2-4 months, we should be able to share a bit more information about the timeline for the rest of the game development, and start making more detailed, frequent updates.

We’re also in the process of adding some talent to our team, which we’re super excited about! Many of you will likely get to see some of their work in art and story updates toward the end of this year!

Game development can be unpredictable and prone to delay, as we’re sure you know, but we’re going to do our best to keep things as close to our original timeline as possible, with Alpha opening in 2023, and early access opening in 2024!

Our new customer service team!

We got completely overwhelmed by emails and messages in the months following the Kickstarter (we’re sorry if it took longer than normal to get a reply)! But not anymore! We now have a new team up and running with a company that specializes in customer service and moderation! They will help us make sure that your messages are answered in a timely manner!

The alpha discord will be a bit late!

As we said above, we’re working with a company that has a lot of experience with customer service and Discord setup/moderation, and the Discord side of things is taking longer than we first expected.

We were able to get their help with customer service very quickly, but due to their availability and the relative complexity of the task, Discord is taking much longer to get moving. The team we want to work with is in high demand, and we aren’t sure the exact timeline, but our goal is to have the alpha discord ready on the same timeline as the next planning phase, 2-4 months.

Much like the game planning, it is more important to us that we do this right than do it quickly. Online communities can become harmful in very real ways if they’re not well organized or moderated, and that’s the last thing we want for our own Discord.

Missed the Kickstarter?

We will be opening pre-orders for our game in the next few weeks! Early access and alpha access will be available. A LOT of people have been asking for this, and in the long run we want to make our game as accessible as possible! Pre-orders outside of Kickstarter will be for PC ONLY, and won’t receive any Kickstarter exclusive items.

That’s all folks! Have a lovely week and hope this update offers some insight! 💖😌

 Fluffnest Team